Ride 4 Equality & the Common Good
Swarthmoor, Cumbria to London
Summer 2018 Quaker Witness 4 Welfare
Speaking Truth to Power
Follow in the Footsteps of Margaret Fell
In Spring 1660 Margaret Fell rode to London with a declaration to appeal to Charles II to end the persecution and suffering of Quakers.
She, as will we, declared:
“We do … inform the governors of this nation, high and low, that we are a people that desire the good of all people, and their peace”
358 years later we call on Quakers and those who share our concern about the increasing inequality and resulting suffering, to ride in relay from Margaret Fell’s home in Cumbria to London to petition our government to:.
• end the dismantling of the welfare state and the suffering of those who are harmed by the cuts.
• renew the welfare state ensuring a safety net for us all.
• commit themselves to act 4 Equality and the Common Good.
Our action is based on our beliefs in the right of all to dignity and affirms our testimonies on equality and social justice. We challenge the narrative that we cannot afford to care.We believe in speaking truth to power.
We hope for the support of Meetings across the country.
If interested in supporting this action, information about it will be regularly updated on this site, or contact
Click here for details of the proposed route (PDF)
Click here for a copy of our Declaration (PDF)
Click here for a short version of our Declaration (PDF)
Click here for a draft copy of our Explanation and Evidence (PDF)
If you wish to make any comment about these documents please email the address above.